Monday, January 18, 2010

Damien Rice

Sometimes you're not in the mood for dancing or a killer guitar solo. You don't want anything loud and crazy. Sometimes you're in the mood for something soft and sweet. Something beautiful. In these situations, I recommend you turn to singer-songwriter Damien Rice.

His lyrics are heartfelt, and his passion breaks your heart. Sometimes, he makes you want to cry. But not because you're sad. And not because you're happy. It's because he takes you there and you feel it, whatever it is.

Rice is Irish, and you can kind of tell. He uses a lot of strings in his songs (obviously guitar, but also violin & cello definitely). Drums and piano as well. He is honest and intense in his music. He often collaborates with Lisa Hannigan, who compliments his voice beautifully.

I could listen to The Blower's Daughter all day, every day if I was in the right mindset. I have a stripped version of Cannonball that is possibly the most beautiful song I've ever heard (possibly second to the aforementioned Blower's Daughter). And I Remember is that song for when you're feeling a passion that starts slow but is burning up inside you that you know is going to eventually explode. It's pretty raw, but in a good way.

Cannonball The normal version; can't find the acoustic one I have. If you can find a version without that drum track, it's really gorgeous.

I Remember Mindblowing version. Slow to start, crazy at the end.

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